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20 - Procedural jumps based in Bézier curves (2013)

This plugin for 3ds Max, creates procedural jumps for any object, based in Bézier curves. The entire script is explained in the tutorial

Role: All aspects

Language: MaxScript


19 - IAD Opening concept  (2013)

I made this opening concept, to use it as an educational example for a particles and effects course.

Role: All aspects

Software: 3ds Max educational, fracture Voronoi, Mental Ray and MassFX

Credits: Music copyrights for their respective owners

18 - Building Structure VR Demo (2013)

We used the same building model from the Santa Ana train station, to build a Virtual Reality demo using Oculus, in order to visualize the internal structure of the building, and to simulate the structure stress. This was a proof of concept for a more complex idea of having an educational tool for the Civil Engineering Program.

Role: Asset Quality Assurance

Credits: VR Implementation by Arturo Jafet Rodríguez and Diana de Alba, 3D modeling by Diana de Alba, Agustín Juárez and Anaïs Ramírez, educational concept by Francisco de la Mora, Original Idea by Agustín de la Garza


17 - Flat tire AR instruction guide (2013)

We created this AR demo for a FORD dealership, the goal was to make an app to explain with augmented reality, how to change a flat tire.

Role: 3D modeling and animation

Credits: 3D modeling along with Anaïs Ramírez, AR Implementation by Arturo Jafet Rodríguez and Diana de Alba, original idea from Agustín de la Garza

16 - San Francisco Railway (2013)

This was a 3D model I did for a modeling course I gave in summer, the project involved an extensive research for references and it was created following the rules of the Turbosquid checkmate certification.

Role: Research and 3D modeling

Software: 3ds Max educational



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